Happy Birthday Wizard101!!!

Happy Birthday Wizard101!!! Wizard101 turns 3 years old as of this month!!! Celebrations will be going on throughout the whole month. There will be many giveaways, contests etc.We have a good 20 Million Wizards to celebrate this birthday with! Make sure to constantly check the Ravenwood News for updates on the birthday and contests etc. You can also get a special Birthday item if you go to the following link. I got an epic item which I got last year but you can get various items from this code. Wizard101 3rd Birthday Code.
Also I love how the decorated Ravenwood! It is sooooo epicness. Well I decided to mix and match some items I have never worn to make a special "Wizard101 Birthday Outfit" XD Here it is:
Isn't it just awesome! Well anyways don't forget to do the code and make sure to stop by Ravenwood to check out all the awesome decorations!
Once again, Happy Birthday Wizard101!!!
