Holidays, New KingsIsle Commercials, Central, and Spiral Live
Welcome back to yet another soon to be epic post by moi, Blaze Shadowhorn :)

- December 9th - Charity Chrismoose Mount
- December 10th - Holiday Poem Contest
- December 11th - Free Holiday Lights wall hanging
- December 12th - 50% off Wyvern and Dragon Hoards and Mega Snack Packs
- December 13th - Arctic Ninja Pig Pet
- December 14th - New Holiday Housing Items
- December 15th - Free Evil Snowman Transformation Potion
- December 16th - New Candy Cane Mounts
So today is December 17th and we can't wait to find out what KingsIsle has in store for us! Well have you ever wondered what KingsIsle does for the holidays? Well now you can see that they love to sing and look over the Wizard101 Outfit Contest entries ;) Oh have I said too much? Eh if you don't believe me and you want to hear KingsIsle singing for YOU watch this video :)
Yup the 5 people at the front at the table are looking over the outfit contest entries. But wait... Didn't the contest end already? Maybe they are planing which they want turned into a real outfit!!! If you want more information on the 12 Days of Wizard just click here! :)Anyways since we are on YouTube videos, have you seen the new commercial featuring The Friendly Necromancer and Paige Moonshade!?!? Wait you haven't heard about Friendly and Paige's visit to KingsIsle??? Well instead of me blabbering like I was about to, just go check Friendly's post and Paige's Post. Now onto the video! This basically shows why people love Wizard101 and why it's family friendly and good for everyone! (Hey Alex. We have to show this to mom and dad ;P)
Now since this leads into Zafaria which I *cough cough* still need to start, KingsIsle has released a video about the behind the scenes work for Zafaria :) Check, check, check dis out!
Epic right! But eh, enough with all the video's Blaze! Your killing us! Fine fine. So if you read my old post about me being back on Central, well I am but I can't do diddly squat because I have been receiving this message every day I log on for the past week or so:
"Hello yadude,
If you are seeing this notice it means that your account has been placed into our new member moderation queue for manual review by our system.
If you have been waiting in this queue for longer than 24 hours, please use our "Contact Us" form to send us an email to check on the status of the review.
Our sincerest apologies for any trouble this may cause you. These procedures are in place to prevent unauthorized activities and to create a safer environment for our younger members.
Thank you
Now yea I have used the "Contact Us" form but that didn't help. I sent it a while ago and I still can't log on. I must say I am very disappointed with this feedback. Anyways I was thinking about opening a sig shop but nah to much work :P Instead I have been working on making stuff for people like the new header for Pyromancer Jonathan, Some epic sigs for me, and the usual i'm bored so i'm gonna mess around with gimp type stuff. Oh yea and I made an epic death thing but I didn't have any death wizard renders so I used Justin Shadowblade and now it's his but you can see it bellow ;)
Here are my most recent creations and sigs:
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Justin's Photo |
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My Central Sig |
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IDK What this is from :P |
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New Pyromancer Jonathan Header :) |
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Blog Header (will change after holidays) |
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New Sig. Made it this morning ;) |
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I made a Windows Vista Themed Wallpaper :) |
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Me Trapped in Morganthe's Staff :P |
So this is what I have been doing lately :) They are pretty good I must say and pretty epic. Now, onto Spiral Live!!!
Spiral Live Episode 10 is tonight! Gosh thats 5 months of podcasting! If you have been following Spiral Live you know that we have changed it completely! It is more epic and awesome :D Also we will be announcing the winners of the Fan Art contest on the show :)
Now for the big news. Spiral Live Episode 11 would be on New Years Eve!!! Since we know that everyone is busy on New Years Eve (especially me, and everyone else) we have moved it to the day before which would be Friday, December 30th. We are going to have a special episode which will have tons of fun stuff and special guest hosts who are very well known ;) This will include The Friendly Necromancer and his amazing wife Bailey Skystaff (most likely) and then we are waiting for a response from Ditto and Fallon Shadowblade. They are all good friends of ours and it would be so fun to have them with us to celebrate the new year :) Unfortunately The Ravenwood Radio crew is unable to join us for this because they have plans irl.
So make sure to put Spiral Live Episode 11 down on your calenders because we will be rocking livestream like never before with our guest hosts and.... PRIZES!!!
The info for Episode 11 is as follows (Note the time might be changed):
Where -
When - Friday, December 30th
Why - To celebrate New Years!
Time - 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST, 6:30 MST, 5:30 PST
Please don't forget to view the Spiral Live blog and check out all the stuff we offer :)
Now congrats on reaching the end of this post :) I didn't think I would make it either :P Anyways thanks for reading my post and I hope you have a nice holiday! See ya tonight and on the 30th for Spiral Live :D
-Blaze Shadowhorn
Will be listening (most likely) tonight! :)