Seven Days of KI (Day 7): Shadowhorn Takes to Spiral Radio

April 26, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

KingsIsle is now less than 24 hours away and I haven't even started packing yet! I should probably get on that... To "pre-party" this adventure, I'm being interviewed tonight over on Spiral Radio!


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Seven Days of KI (Day 6): What to Expect

April 25, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

We're less then 48 hours away from KI! What should you expect to see? Where can you see it? Let me answer all of these questions for you and more!.


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Seven Days of KI (Day 5): What is Sleep?

April 24, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

For a young 12 year old Wizard, sleep was a nonexistent part of life. Questing all night until 7am wake up? Check. Sneaking into parents bedroom to get the laptop? Check. What is sleep?


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Seven Days of KI (Day 4.5): A Miscount?

April 23, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 1 Comments

Let me first say that I have never been good at math... Wednesday to Wednesday is a week... right? Therefore that should be 7 days... right? Therefore that should be 7 posts.... right? Wrong.


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Seven Days of KI (Day 4): Blog of the Month

April 22, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 2 Comments

Running a fansite is no easy task and for nearly five years, I've wanted to recognize those who work so hard to bring amazing content to the community. I present to you the Blog of the Month award.


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Seven Days of KI (Day 3): A Wizards First Friend

April 21, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

When Tales of the Spiral was in its infancy, I didn't really know anyone in the community. All it took was me hitting 100 posts, throwing a party and because of this, a never-ending friendship was born.


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Seven Days of KI (Day 2): A Wizards First Spell

April 20, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 4 Comments

Everyone has a story when it comes to how they first entered the Spiral. For me? The first time I saw Wizard101, I didn't really think it was the game for me... Boy was I wrong.


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Seven Days of KI (Day 1): The Announcement

April 19, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

When I first started Tales of the Spiral in September of 2010, I dreamed of one day visiting KingsIsle Entertainment. Today, I'm happy to announce that my dream is becoming a reality.


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An Interview with Paige Moonshade

April 18, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 2 Comments

I recently had the opportunity to interview the communities go-to housing guru, Paige Moonshade, to learn more about what got her into housing and what tips she has for all of us. Come check it out!


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Relaunch Party Recap

April 17, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 2 Comments

Four full realms. Five hours of partying.Over 8,000 crowns worth of givaways. I guess you could say the relaunch party was quite the success!


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Monstrology Enters the Spiral

April 12, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Earlier this morning, KingsIsle launched Monstrology, the newest feature to hit the Spiral. With it, players can now obtain Animus from the undead, allowing them to create NPC's for their house among other new things.


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A Fansite Festival Worth Attending

April 11, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

The clock started ticking down as wizards from all across the Spiral flooded through the gates of Ravenwood for the second annual Fansite Festival, a celebration for our community, uniting us as one.


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A Blast from the Past

April 07, 2017 Blaze Shadowhorn 11 Comments

Wizards of the Spiral, guess what??? I'm baaaaaaack >__^

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Blaze Shadowhorn (I go by Shadowhorn or Shadow) and I was one of the original Wizard101 community members and fansite owners back in 2010. Man... That makes me feel old.

The reason you might not know of me is because I took a three year hiatus from Wizard101 to focus on my career in esports which I now do full-time (learn more about here).

I've been wanting to come back to the community for years, the issue was I didn't have the time commitment or financial stability to put this amount of time into running a fansite, but guess what? Things have changed. As of this day, Tales of the Spiral's doors are once again open for the community to enjoy!

Why Did I Come Back?
The thing many people don't know about me is that Wizard101 was actually my first online game where I interacted with other individuals. If I had never created my first Wizard, Blaze Shadowhorn, on May 9th of 2009, I wouldn't be working in the gaming industry today. The Wizard101 community helped mold me into who I am today and gave me the foundation to expand upon.

I came back because I want to give back to a community that has given me so much. If it weren't for all of you, I can truly say I don't know where I would be today so thank you for the seven years of support and friendship, you guys are the best and I hope I can bring you lots of amazing adventures and content in the days to come.

Oh... and parties to. That was kind of my thing back in the day hehe.

What to Expect?
While building my career in esports over the past three years, I have also transitioned into building myself up as an internet personality.

Entertaining YouTube videos? I got that.
Crazy Funny Twitch Streams? I got that.
Super Hot Fire? I spit that.

Actually though, I've got a lot of amazing ideas and segments that I've been brainstorming and can't wait to put into action. For now, in addition to blog posts covering all things Spiral, I have a new content segment called Twitch Travels.

Believe it or not, I'm still on my first quest in Avalon... Yeah I'm that behind. Level 73 Thaumaturge here folks!

Twitch Travels is exactly like what it sounds - a segment where I'll stream my travels throughout the Spiral and you guys can join me for the ride and help me out in chat! It will always be streamed on my Twitch channel (I'm hopefully going to setup a schedule for this soon) and then the recorded episode will be uploaded to the Twitch Travels playlist on my YouTube channel.

It's going to be loads of fun and I know you'll enjoy it.

What's A Huge Celebration Without a Giveaway?
For anyone who has been in the Spiral for more than four years, you probably know that I love having giveaways and contests. This special occasion is no exception and for that I've got my biggest giveaway I have ever thrown on Tales of the Spiral... ever!

Are you ready? Go enter!

The Celebration Continues!
Similar to giveaways, I love my parties. If you've been in the Spiral for more than four years, chances are you've been to either one of my Fifth of July parties or celebration of the sorts. This time, it all goes down on April 15th, 2017. Will I see you there?

Everyone, thank you once again for all the support over the last seven years. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today and so I want to give back and share my passion for Wizard101 with you. Here's to a many great adventures ahead.

See you in the Spiral!


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