Seven Days of KI (Day 7): Shadowhorn Takes to Spiral Radio

KingsIsle is now less than 24 hours away and I haven't even started packing yet! I should probably get on that... To "pre-party" this adventure, I'm being interviewed tonight over on Spiral Radio!
The great folks of Spiral Radio 101, Stephen Spiritcaller and Christina "IcyWiz" Icedreamer are two individuals who I've looked up to for coming up on eight years now. I've gone from listening to their podcasts as a wee young Wizard to becoming friends with them and now working on their level!
I'm honored and humbled to be interviewed by such great and inspiring individuals and I hope you all tune in! We'll be covering how I went from a Wizard who randomly started a blog in 2010 to running a successful fansite and eventually working full-time in esports!
The show goes live at 8:45pm CST on
Things You Should Like and Stuff
If you aren't doing so already, you should definitely follow the official Spiral Radio twitter account, @SpiralRadio101 and make sure to throw Steve (@Spiritcaller) and Chris (@IcyWiz) a follow as well!
Also, they have an awesome website where you can download the show, listen live and stay up to date on all things SR101. Check out for all your needs!
I hope you guys enjoy the interview and make sure to tune in to all the social media tomorrow as we head off to KI! The day starts at bright and early 5am PST so get hyped (gosh I'll need sleep lol)!
See you in the Spiral!
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